
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that went through my head during the first day of school

- crap, it's early.

- crap, there's only 2 more minutes of morning prep before the bell rings!

- some kids do not like the taste of gingerbread cookies.

- sometimes it is hard to stop myself during a really good, responsive read aloud.

- dude, lunch is short!

- they were not kidding about the "after lunch slump."

- it's not very fair to expect half-day kinders to suddenly adjust to full-day 1st grade.

- gotta get me a set of link blocks.

- who has "n00b" printed in bold italics on their forehead? The student teacher does!

- even 1st graders know a test when they see one...and thus nerves definitely play a part in unexpectedly low scores

- a/c good. hot sun bad.

- Borders is officially my go-to place to process and unwind after long days.

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