I like L&L. Not only does it involve a lot of reading and writing, it reminds me of Hawaiian barbeque.
No, seriously. Beef BBQ with spam sushi, come to me!
Anyway. Although L&L methods courses differ in different programs, mine was pretty sweet. We did a case study, learned various methods of assessment (some of which were VERY scientific and research-ified), studied a lot of flow charts/activities/poetry scaffolds/etc, and became familiar with the world of children's literature. We also became bonafide Scholastic book order whores. 50 cent book deals, come to me!
Most of all - or perhaps it seemed like a "most of all" since it was at the top of everyone's minds - we prepared for the RICA. The Reading Instruction Competence exam which, when passed, gives the "English Language Authorization" part to the Multiple Subject 2042 credential. Which is what I'll get in December.
Side note: I better pass this semester of student teaching, damn it!
Well, more details on the RICA later. I'm mentioning it now because it and my two semesters worth of L&L were so closely tied together that it's hard to tell them apart sometimes.
We also created original lesson plans, which we implemented in student teaching, as well. Although I think my cohort had grown a little teacher-whine by the second semester. Our professor had mercy on us and shortened the assignment from a minimum 5-lesson unit to a 2-lesson collaboration done with a partner.
In hindsight, I still don't think I'm completely prepared for the rigors of teaching ELA and ELD on a daily basis. A handful of teaching ideas per week for two semesters does not a perfect ELA program make. I own these three resources, plus another binder full of activity ideas, and still it won't be enough for a full school year's worth of lessons. I kinda wish I had more - although this will come with more time and experience too.
But then, what is a "perfect" program? Who knows.
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