I am a blog addict. I spend a lot of my free time working on blogs, including this one, reading blogs, discovering new blogs to read, reading about working on blogs, admiring photographs and thinking about how to work more photos into my blogs, etc. This is partially why I'm not putting this as a "Media Mondays" entry. It really deserves a stand alone spot on its own. Plus, with all the blogs I read, I might not have enough Mondays to get to other things in education news.
So a few weeks ago, I came across the following blog and it is too good not to share.
What's for School Lunch documents, well, school lunches from various countries. It is immensely interesting, especially to compare how often fresh foods are served in America vs. say, Korea (note: America loses on this account).
I'm fascinated at how to work this idea into my classroom. A class vegetable garden? I definitely want live plants in my classroom, regardless. Nutrition lessons? Where does food come from lessons? Where does food go lessons? I've hit on science, social sciences, math (economics), and visual arts/technology (photography) on this one topic alone. Throw in some authentic documents and essay writing and I've got English language arts as well.
Truly fascinating.
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