
Friday, August 14, 2009

Field trip Fridays: the beach

The only time I went to a beach with my classmates was during fifth grade science camp. We went to a place called Redwood Glen and did all sorts of really cool stuff like night hiking, kissing banana slugs (which, apparently, people are not allowed to do any more because the salt on human lips kills the slugs within hours), visiting marshland, eating sap straight off of the trees, identifying poisonous plants from non-poisonous plants, identifying animal tracks/poop, singing camp fire songs, studying the redwoods, bird watching, and a variety of other things. It was the best week of my elementary school life - and not just because my memory of that time is clearer than most of my other childhood memories.

If a beach is close by, I would totally go with my students. We can have a picnic, collect rocks and shells, poke sticks at dead jellies and kelp, and have some sort of marine/oceanography/coastal habitat lesson tied in. No swimming though, just dipping feet into the water. During this one-off field trip, I don't want to deal with students who don't know how to swim and rip currents, thank you very much.

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